Guinea, West-Africa. This short documentary explores the hopes and dreams of the young generation. Strong individuals caught between chances and changes, fleeing and staying.
Production: blankpaper
Director / DoP / Editor: Miguel Temme
Co-Director: Jonas Borgloh
Producer: Jonas Borgloh, Constantin Jansen, Mezeme Odette Caldwell
Music Composer: eeph
Sounddesign: Johannes Grote
Mixing: Hennig Großmann, Timecode
Singer: Ornella Mikwasa
Key Cast: Cecile Sarata Sagno, Bamo Modalfa, Mahamoud Dialo, Kante Mohammed, Foromo Lamah
Sponsor: MVFPoor, GOBE
a blankpaper film
2020 Student International Film Festival (STIFF) / OFFICIAL SELECTION 2020 Moscow shorts / OFFICIAL SELECTION 2020 Festival International du Cinéma Numérique de Cotonou / OFFICIAL SELECTION